Return or replace products

We have a 30-day return policy, we recommend you review our refund policy. Click here to see our refund policy

Frequent questions

What products can I return?

Most new, unopened items sold and shipped through Plus Motors can be returned within 30 days of delivery for a full or partial refund depending on the case.

NOTE: Products made to order such as imports, manufacturing or special orders confirmed and paid do not have returns.

When will I receive my refund?

Normally within 15 business days. Most refunds are received in full within 3 to 7 days once the return is received and processed. See refund policy

Does Plus Motors perform replacement?

We can only replace the product with an identical product of the same version, and you are responsible for returning the damaged product within 30 days. If you want to exchange it for another product, you will have to return the product, receive a refund and place a new order.

Do you need more help?

Get in contact with us

Service and customer support

Commercial consultations, relations, press and media

Telephone: 800 461 0779

WhatsApp: 1 475 405 1238

Follow us on our social networks

Facebook: @plusmotors

Instagram: @plusmotors

YouTube: @plusmotorsofficial

LinkedIn: @company/plusmotorsofficial

TikTok: @plusmotors


  • Av. Calzada San Pedro 603, Local 401 Floor 4 Plaza Qin, Fuentes del Valle 66220, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, Mexico
  • Lázaro Cárdenas 1007 Residencial Santa Barbara, 66266 San Pedro Garza García Nuevo León, Mexico.

*Plus Motors Marketplace is an online business developed, managed and operated by